Erin Lenderts
August 2022
UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
United States




On her own time and with her own money, she brought back two $52 containers of Nutramigen.
I am writing about something I witnessed. It could have gone unnoticed, but I cannot stop thinking about the kindness, compassion, and passion this nurse had to help someone else. Yesterday we had a transfer from ICU. A 3-month-old in restraints, EVD, PICC Line, GT dependent with a food allergy. I noticed during bedside report that my GT bag of formula was low. The daylight nurse said that she called the formula room earlier, so I went to refill it and there was only about 3 hours left. I also called the formula room and was told that due to the “formula shortage,” the hospital does not have Nutramigen Lipilwith Iron. I was told I would have to call the doctor for something different. I took what was left of the formula into the room and I tell the parents (who are super stressed as it is). The dad has to return to Ohio to work, and the mom has to go home to take care of her other 2 children and now look for formula. She even called relatives in Michigan to help look for some. In their room they had brought with them their own $52 can of powered formula which was all they had and it was almost empty. Mom said the baby cannot take any other formula due to allergies. I was so upset about the situation and go out to call the doctor and tell the clinical leader about my problem. This co-worker who had worked a 12-hour day shift and cannot wait to get home to her own toddler and baby said, “sorry if I am eavesdropping, but my son also has food allergies.”

A little later in my shift, I got a phone call from an outside number. It was this nurse who said “as a mom and a nurse, I cannot go home and forget about this baby and her parents. I am going to search places around town, and I also have some connections at a few places. I think I may be able to find some of this formula.” About an hour later, here she comes, back onto the unit when she could have easily gone home and relaxed with her family. On her own time and with her own money, she brought back two $52 containers of Nutramigen. It was slightly different, but the doctor felt it could definitely be used if needed. Mom was still going to go home and search around her town, but she was able to leave that night. Not as stressed as she would have been knowing that her baby was going to be taken care of. This nurse absolutely did not need to do any of this and because I was there to notice this act of kindness, I feel that Erin Lenderts, 6a is a true DAISY Nurse.