Mark Pirone
September 2022
Interventional Radiology
Holy Name
United States
Mark has left an indelible imprint on nursing at Holy Name.
As a Professional Practice Council, we felt very strongly about the need to recognize our well-deserving nurses. During our discussions of how we might do this, one nurse brought up a program that allowed grateful patients to submit nominations describing how a nurse had impacted them personally. Many other hospitals were using this program and nurses were receiving national recognition; it was Holy Name’s first introduction to the DAISY Award. None of us were familiar at all with this award, but we took and ran with the idea. It has been an overwhelming success ever since, thanks to his suggestion. So in classic Holy Name fashion, we would like to honor this very special nurse with a DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award. Sadly, Mark is no longer with us but has left an indelible imprint on nursing at Holy Name. On behalf of the Awards and Recognition committee, we want to take this opportunity to give out the 2nd DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed at Holy Name to Mark Pirone. We would like to present this to Joe Giles in his honor.