Michelle Hutcheson
January 2023
Prisma Health Oconee Memorial Hospital
United States




She gave hugs and continued to explain what was happening as life was going out of dad. It was as if we were really close friends.
I have learned over the years that there are only a few people in life that will touch me in a special way through the journey of life like no one else. Michelle Hutches has proven my point! My sweet daddy passed away recently. He had a massive stroke and we had very little time to say bye. I remember little about that painful day; but, I can't forget how Michelle was amazing through that difficult time. I remember her walking in, writing her name on the whiteboard and for some reason, I remember that her shift was 12 hours. She answered every question we had with love and concern. She explained what was happening and why. She assured me that she would not let daddy be in pain as he was dying. That was such a comfort. She kept checking on us although there was literally nothing she could do to save dad. I knew she was busy that night because I saw her going up and down the hallway helping others. Nevertheless, she always stopped in our room just to check on us. She talked to dad like he was someone she cared about not a patient she just met.

What touched me most was as I watched the clock, I knew that our time with this sweet nurse Michelle was coming to an end as the shift was about to change. Would the next nurse be as sweet and loving? I did not have to find out. Michelle stayed with us an additional 3 hours after her shift was over. I kept telling her to go home and be with her family. She did not listen to me. She was determined to stay with us and wait with us for dad to pass. She gave hugs and continued to explain what was happening as life was going out of dad. It was as if we were really close friends.

When additional family came in toward the end, she was offering them coffee and anything she could. She touched my heart so deeply. I would like to hope we won't need her again. But she is one nurse I would request over and over again. I always said it takes a special person to be a nurse, well Michelle Hutcheson IS that special person who warmed our broken hearts at the darkest time in our lives. Michelle is a true DAISY Nurse.