Winnie Yuen
January 2023
St. Joseph's Hospital South
United States
She made sure to check on her every morning before her shift and every night before she went home. This gave our entire family a sense of relief knowing she was being cared for while we were not able to be there.
As a nurse, it is never easy to change your role from the caregiver to the family member of the patient. I was faced with this issue when my family member was admitted to our hospital and more specifically our unit. From the time my family member walked into the ER, Winnie had put into motion a plan if they were to be admitted. My family member was in fact admitted that day and in the days that followed my family received one devastating blow after another. She always made sure our entire family was taken care of. My family would sit endlessly at the bedside waiting to hear any news and Winnie cared for us just as much as she did for the patient. She would make sure she had lunch and checked to make sure she was resting as well as, the patient. With some lingering restrictions to the visitor policy someone from our family was not able to be here around the clock. She made sure to check on her every morning before her shift and every night before she went home. This gave our entire family a sense of relief knowing she was being cared for while we were not able to be there.
Working alongside her for years I have always known she provides her patients with quality care and goes above and beyond for each and every one of them. This patient was no different, but the support she provided my dad, my sister, and me on top of the care for the patient truly shows what an amazing nurse she is.
It is now three months later and our family is still receiving these devastating blows and Winnie is still right by my side through every one of them. She is the perfect example of a DAISY Nurse she gives endlessly to her patients and their families. She is as dedicated to my family and all of her patients’ families as she would be to her own family. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done to help not only the patient but my family through this incredibly difficult time.
Working alongside her for years I have always known she provides her patients with quality care and goes above and beyond for each and every one of them. This patient was no different, but the support she provided my dad, my sister, and me on top of the care for the patient truly shows what an amazing nurse she is.
It is now three months later and our family is still receiving these devastating blows and Winnie is still right by my side through every one of them. She is the perfect example of a DAISY Nurse she gives endlessly to her patients and their families. She is as dedicated to my family and all of her patients’ families as she would be to her own family. I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done to help not only the patient but my family through this incredibly difficult time.