The most terrifying words you can ever hear are “you have cancer!”. It changes every aspect of your life. The fear you experience is overwhelming, but then you meet a nurse like Brenda Ahern, who calms your fears and becomes an important part of your journey; she has been a gift to me.
I came to the infusion center after being told I have a rare and incurable cancer. I was petrified! Every nurse I have encountered at BMC has been wonderful, but Brenda is special. She is energetic, kind and so engaging. She explains all procedures in a way the patient can understand. She answers all questions and if she doesn’t know the answer, she finds someone who does. She always makes sure you are comfortable by bringing you drinks and a warm blanket. She helps you feel calm and secure.
Brenda’s special quality is her kindness and her ability to put you at ease by sharing stories of her life that makes you share events from your life. She has an incredible sense of humor. We hit it off right away. There is usually a lot of laughter as I am receiving toxic drugs for 4 to 5 hours at a time. Brenda is my angel. I actually miss her when I am off my chemo. I truly hate the fact that I have cancer, but I feel blessed to have Brenda in my life. I consider her a friend and know I would not have gotten through 20 treatments without her care and encouragement. She means the world to me!