Amy Lokker
March 2023
Sarasota Memorial Hospital-Venice
North Venice
United States




Thanks to Amy's persistence and keen assessment skills she was able to prevent her patient from further complications!
Amy is a fantastic nurse. She is a very new nurse and one would never know. She treats all her patients with the utmost care and recognizes even the smallest of vital details. Amy is a continual advocate for all of her patients. I can list countless times that she has noted situations or events with her patients that needed addressing however I will stick to one in particular that shows her dedication to her patients. She has a patient that she noted was having difficulty swallowing and ordered a swallow evaluation. Per speech therapy, the patient passed the evaluation and could resume a regular diet. The following day she noted again the patient was having difficulty so she reached out again to speech and they insisted the patient passed but due to her persistence, they would re-evaluate. They again passed the patient to a regular diet. Amy was still not convinced and reached out to the physician to order a swallow evaluation. The patient had the swallow evaluation and failed miserably and was a high risk for aspiration! Thanks to Amy's persistence and keen assessment skills she was able to prevent her patient from further complications! This is just one instance of her amazing nursing heart!