December 2022
Mother Infant Care Center
Naval Hospital Okinawa




Katherine was honest, protective, creative, thorough, communicative, respectful, and kind.
I just want to gush about this nurse for a moment. I'm a doula (designated visitor if you prefer) and had two teammates give birth during the time of Typhoon Hinnamnor. The first team member (birthing patient) was induced and was opting for delivery without pain medications for the first time. She had worked hard to prepare, and as it was her 3rd baby and second induction, knew a bit about what to expect. When things started to get really challenging (as they often do), Katherine was right there supporting her, hands and heart ready, saying all the exact right encouraging things. She didn't show an ounce of doubt that this client could reach her goal and make it through labor. I was so so impressed. Everyone knew pain medication was available, and obviously, it would have been available for the patient if needed, but it wasn't pushed in any way (as the client had requested). Everyone that came into the room was ready for whatever the patient needed but didn't hesitate to remind her she could do it. No one acted scared or annoyed by the reality of a patient working through a pain-med-free labor (not as sweet and quiet as some reports may lead you to believe). This patient did reach her goal. It was so so important to her, and she is ecstatic. Katherine was a huge part of that.

Having an excellent nurse that believes in you makes a massive difference. Katherine just hit that nursing care out of the park, and I was so so happy to have her on our team. The second birth came at the height of the typhoon conditions. Going into labor right as the weather gets nasty is quite a stroke of luck. It meant that my client couldn't labor at home for nearly as long as planned. We opted to get to the hospital a bit earlier in the process than normal to ensure safe travel and no delays in labor. We again lucked out with Katherine as the triage nurse.

As expected, on arrival, my client wasn't ready for admission. Katherine carefully explained her options and how the hospital could best serve this patient under the circumstances while also steadfastly supporting this patient's goals for her birth experience. Obviously, this nurse was in a hard spot balancing all of these factors and the raging storm. Katherine ended up working with us over the course of the night to come up with positive solution after positive solution to best serve this mom that was also just dealing with a challenging reality. Katherine was honest, protective, creative, thorough, communicative, respectful, and kind.

Eventually, my client was admitted and did have a beautiful birth meeting all of her goals. Her treatment before she was in a position to be admitted could have made it a whole different experience, but she walked away knowing the MICC had cared for her so well from start to finish. Katherine was basically a miracle. She could have been stressed about the storm herself and the challenging conditions of being in the MICC at that time. She didn't show an ounce of anything other than optimistic dedicated nursing care. The MICC staff is fantastic, and I'm sure many of them would have tried to serve this patient well. Again though, I am so nearly teary-eyed and grateful that this nurse walked in that night.. several times actually... and treated our team with such dignity and grace. I will appreciate her forever. She is an amazing member of the MICC team, and certainly a win for Naval Health Care.