Olivia Holly
January 2023
Sanford Health Bismarck
United States




I've never laughed at an emergency room visit in the 18 years I've been a mom. That instantly made me comfortable.
Well let's start from the beginning. My daughter and son were riding their bikes in our cul-de-sac. And I went in to load the dishwasher. And not even 6 minutes later I hear my daughter screaming. I thought she fell off her bike but little did I know her brother was swinging around a bungee cord. It was caught in her eye it looked like. Ended up being just the eyelid. We drove to ER which any parent hates. I have 5 kids ranging from 4 to 18. I've been to ER many times. I always felt it was my fault like I'm a bad mom. So I prepared myself for that. But this time, for the first time, the nurse didn't allow me to feel that way. I explained what happened and the nurse said, “Why is it always the brother?" I've never laughed at an emergency room visit in the 18 years I've been a mom. That instantly made me comfortable. She talked my 4-year-old through everything that was happening. My daughter is super shy and has been at home with me since 6 months old. She hates going to the doctor. But after it all, she could not leave without giving her a hug. And has not stopped talking about her pretty dr. even though she is a nurse. 4 years old has no idea of the difference. She wants to bring her a sprinkled doughnut, which is my daughter's favorite. She made my daughter soo comfortable I personally do think buying her and her coworkers doughnuts is barely enough!! But this is what I will be doing. Please award her The DAISY Award!! My daughter would love it.