Ali Miehls
July 2022
Primary Children's Hospital- Intermountain Health
Salt Lake City
United States




When we woke up the next morning we saw that Ali had decorated our son's room through the night in the theme of our city’s festival, and had set up homemade carnival-type games throughout the room.
Our 12-year-old son has had to miss a lot of things because of his chemotherapy treatment. He was particularly sad to miss our city festival. It is a big deal for our town and especially for our family. He had mentioned it to Ali before he went to bed that night very sad. When we woke up the next morning we saw that Ali had decorated our son's room through the night in the theme of our city’s festival, and had set up homemade carnival-type games throughout the room. It brought tears to our eyes, to see someone take such an interest in helping our son feel happy and loved. It has definitely been a highlight of our time here.