Valentina Leal
May 2023
UPC Rotativa C
Hospital del Trabajador, ACHS




I could continue telling stories with Valentina because I was there for more than a month that summer and she made my stay at the HT very special.
Mi Historia es bastante extensa asi que trataré de resumirla. Tuve un accidente de trayecto automovilístico y fui trasladado en avión ambulancia hasta el HT en estado muy grave ya que venia con un coma inducido y me habian suministrado mucha droga y calmantes en Los Ángeles. En el pasar de mis días tenia comportamientos muy bipolares, agresividad con el grupo de las enfermeras y tens pero Valentina me marco mucho ya que ella me hizo volver en cierta parte a volver aterrizar en la tierra porque en mi estado que me encontraba mi mente vagaba muy lejos y hablaba muchas incoherencias. Hasta que un día X Valentina me habló y me nombro una frase de la Botota (Jaja) y yo le dije eres prima?, y me dijo si y tú? A lo que respondí si y solo ella podía tocarme porque al resto de las enfermeras reaccionaba mal cuando me iban a tocar; despues de todo nos empezamos hacer amigo pese a que dias anteriores la habia vomitado entera una ola de vomito al nivel que perdió zapatillas y tuvo que bañarse y cambiarse ropa nuevamente (Jaja). Ella me estimulo mucho conversandome hasta que volví (no se de donde) pero volvi y todos se dieron cuenta que ese realmente no era yo y era muy distinto a como me contaban de lo que hacía. Podria seguir contando historias con Valentina porque estuve mas de un mes en ese verano y ella hizo mi estadia en el HT muy especial yo tuve multiples fracturas: Columna, Mano, Clavicula, Cadera, tobillo, pie y un traumatismo en el intestino delgado. Hasta el dia de hoy le doy las gracias a Valentina. Si pudiese escribir un libro lo haría porque considero mi historia muy especial por todo lo que vivi y lo que Valentina marco en mi recuperación.

Translated using Google Translate:

My Story is quite extensive so I will try to summarize it. I had a car accident and was transferred by ambulance plane to the HT in very serious condition since I came with an induced coma and they had given me a lot of drugs and painkillers in Los Angeles. In the passing of my days I had very bipolar behaviors, aggressiveness with the group of nurses and tense but Valentina marked me a lot since she made me return to a certain part to land on earth again because in my state that I was in my mind wandered far away and spoke a lot of incoherence. Until one day X Valentina spoke to me and named me a phrase from La Botota (Haha) and I told her are you a cousin?, and she said yes and you? To which I replied yes and only she could touch me because the rest of the nurses reacted badly when they were going to touch me; After all, we started to become friends despite the fact that days before she had vomited a whole wave of vomit to the level that she lost her shoes and she had to bathe and change clothes again (Haha). She stimulated me a lot talking to me until I came back (I don't know where) but I came back and everyone realized that this really wasn't me and it was very different from how they told me what I was doing. I could continue telling stories with Valentina because I was there for more than a month that summer and she made my stay at the HT very special. I had multiple fractures: Spine, Hand, Clavicle, Hip, ankle, foot and trauma to the small intestine. To this day I thank Valentina. If I could write a book, I would do it because I consider my story very special because of everything I experienced and what Valentina marked in my recovery.