Sylvia Black
May 2023
4 North
Atrium Health Mercy
United States
She also provided him with extra resources that he could utilize as an outpatient to create a better situation for himself. I can't think of a better example of care and compassion towards another.
A bedside nurse witnessed a truly compassionate act by our Case Manager, Sylvia, that brought me to tears when I heard about it. We had a patient on the 4 North that was being discharged but was unfortunately homeless and living out of his car. He is a Veteran living with limited resources and his car was his livelihood. He had learned while staying here that his car had been towed, and he had nowhere to go. Sylvia went above and beyond her normal job description to not only find the patient's car and where it had been towed to but spent time on the phone with the towing company to make sure they capped the charges for the patient to pay. She also convinced the company to bring the car to him at the hospital and arranged for him to have it for discharge. She also provided him with extra resources that he could utilize as an outpatient to create a better situation for himself. I can't think of a better example of care and compassion towards another. The DAISY Award was created for Extraordinary Nurses who take the time to go above and beyond to provide care with their whole hearts to those who need it. Sylvia did just that, and I am very proud to have her a part of the 4 North team providing compassionate care to our patients.