Katherine Koontz
May 2023
Bear Valley Community Healthcare District
Big Bear Lake
United States




Katherine was unwavering, at her side, crying while she held the resident’s hands, comforting her with words of love and compassion, and only letting go of resident's hands to wrap her arms around the resident, tears falling.
I read a book once, when I was in nursing school, what seemed like eons ago, by the Dali Lama called The Art of Happiness. The Dali Lama writes about happiness and compassion, saying this: "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive." Being that compassion is the core value of the DAISY Award, I find it only fitting that Katherine Koontz's name be honored along with the other nominees for this prestigious recognition.

Last year, one of our beloved residents drew in her last breath. The hours leading to her passing were difficult for many of our staff members, and in her final moments, the resident was surrounded by love. Though many deserve accolades for their part, sharing tears, giving hugs, and even gathering around singing to the resident as her breathing slowed, Katherine was unwavering, at her side, crying while she held the resident’s hands, comforting her with words of love and compassion, and only letting go of resident's hands to wrap her arms around the resident, tears falling. Compassion is an unwritten but expected pre-requisite of the job. It is more than just a task in nursing, more than just offering to help, more than having the right words to say. Compassion in nursing is taking on the task of care with intent, with fervor. Many nurses have the burning desire to touch a life, but rarely do we get to witness such an act of love. When Katherine returned to Acute to complete shift change and report, she was trying to dry her eyes and she turned to me and said, "I'm in the wrong profession." I hesitated, waiting until shift report was done, when I stopped her, and through my own watering eyes, reminded her that she is most definitely not in the wrong profession. The fact that she was in tears is proof that she is right where she needs to be. Though the resident was with us for only a short time, in the 3 plus months she had touched the hearts of all who worked with her. Katherine's compassion and caring hand were the comfort needed to allow the resident to pass, not only with less pain and fear but also allowing her to die with dignity.

In the same book, The Art of Happiness, the Dali Lama also says "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." Katherine, I want to thank you for the love and compassion, the humanity, which you not only shared with this resident but with all of us present. You truly are a great nurse, and I am honored to nominate you for this award. You embody the values of the DAISY Award. We are all grateful to have you, and all of the nominees, on our team.