Kambri Loewen
June 2023
UMC Health System
United States




After our patient passed away, Kambri assumed care over Pippa and provided her with a loving home.
MICU would like to recognize Kambri Loewen for providing exceptional care to one of our patients. Her kind gestures made the final moments of their life more than special, and her kindness continued after his passing.

When Kambri first began caring for her patient, she made it her mission to wean down his oxygen and improve his medical condition. As he began making some progress, he was still challenged by having a very poor appetite. One day, he joked that he would love a milkshake, so Kambri took it upon herself to order one from Chick-fil-a. He was extremely grateful for this unexpected treat. A little more than a week into his stay, the Palliative team informed him that they had exhausted all their resources and there was nothing else we could do to improve his condition. Despite everyone’s efforts, he was not going to survive this hospital stay. Our staff's hearts broke with the news, and they wanted to do something for our patient.

Throughout his stay, the patient often spoke of his beloved dog, Pippa. Kambri and the patient’s primary nurse that day, Ashley, decided they needed to find a way to reunite him with his puppy to help improve his mood. They went through the process of following the protocol of bringing a pet to the hospital, Ashley bathed the dog that evening after her shift, and the next morning Kambri picked up Pippa to bring her to the hospital. Together, the 2 nurses were able to get the dog into the Medical ICU before the patient had to make any decisions regarding end-of-life.

From Kambri, “He told me before I had left the day I brought her, with tears rolling down his eyes, that he would love for me to have her and could rest easy in knowing she was in good hands. I too, stood at the bedside and prayed for him- knowing God never makes mistakes and understanding that he is going to a place far greater than one can imagine.”

After our patient passed away, Kambri assumed care over Pippa and provided her with a loving home. The patient’s gratitude reached our unit a few weeks later when one of his family members emailed our President and CEO to make sure he was aware that their loved one appreciated all the kind gestures from our staff. Thank you, Kambri for all that you give our patients and the impact you have had on our unit. You are greatly appreciated.