Stacy Lambert
May 2023
Guthrie County Hospital
Guthrie Center
United States




Stacy might be one of the most enthusiastic individuals you will meet. She possesses a strong work ethic and openly accepts a challenge.
If you don't know Stacy, she brings several years of experience to GCH, but recently accepted a full-time position as the Nurse Education Coordinator. Stacy is a great nurse, but truly found her niche when she moved into her new role. When thinking of how to describe Stacy, the words dedicated, passionate, and outgoing come to mind.

Dedicated-devoted to a task or purpose. With no doubt, Stacy is dedicated to GCH and GCH Clinics. Stacy is very committed to providing educational opportunities for all GCH staff members. Throughout the last couple of years, she spent endless hours writing policies and filling out paperwork to be able to provide continuing education credits. Stacy recently completed a Critical Thinking class that was offered on 4 different days and was open to nursing staff outside of GCH. The positive feedback from this is a direct reflection of Stacy's dedication. In addition, Stacy doesn't hesitate to provide a helping hand on the floor or in the ER if needed.

Passionate-showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief. There is no one who will question whether Stacy is passionate about her job. Stacy might be one of the most enthusiastic individuals you will meet. She possesses a strong work ethic and openly accepts a challenge. Stacy is motivated to help make every employee become a better individual, boost employee engagement, and most importantly, ensure our patient's experience is excellent. Stacy has worked to implement a clinical ladder program for nursing staff, developed share governance teams, and is currently helping organize a health fair for the communities GCH serves. These programs, teams, and community events show how passionate Stacy is to improve the health and well-being of our communities.

Outgoing-friendly and socially confident. The definition of outgoing might describe Stacy the best! If you have had the privilege of meeting Stacy, you know without a doubt that she is outgoing. Stacy is always smiling, providing a coworker advice, or volunteering to help with a project. Stacy's positive attitude is contagious and makes you feel like you can conquer anything you put your mind to. One trait Stacy has mastered is knowing when to provide professional guidance to help you become a better person and when to be that encouraging friend when you have a bad day.

Stacy is a happy-go-lucky person and always has a smile on her face. Every time she walks in, she immediately lightens up the room with her radiant and loving personality.

Stacy is truly an individual who wants nothing but the best for our patients, staff, and the communities that GCH serves.