Kayla Houck
June 2023
Emergency Department
UMass Memorial Medical Center
United States




The only thing I picked up on was the pride and enjoyment Kayla has in her work and the tenderness she gave to complete strangers. I told her when we were leaving how much my dad would have loved her.
When the phone rings at 1257AM, you know it isn't good news. My dad was found unresponsive on the kitchen floor. We were told which hospital they brought him to and we jumped in the car for the 90-minute drive. We were there about 30 min after being told they were checking him out when they came to tell us he was not there. Many phone calls later, we arrived at UMass.

As stressful as the day started, there is a bright side that happened during this very dark day. My dad had a large head bleed and never regained consciousness. We met Kayla at the beginning of her 12-hour shift and spent the day together. I felt I should warn her, I was one of 7 children and there were 15 adult grandchildren who were all en route. Kayla was kind, patient, efficient, and knowledgeable.

My dad had made it crystal clear what he wanted, which would be dying at home. The case manager arrived at the start of her shift to start the tedious planning process. We felt pressured to get him home as soon as possible since there was an ice storm coming which may be a deterrent to our plan. Kayla, Dr. C, and the case manager worked nonstop to get our wish fulfilled. Kayla took the time to learn about my dad, his life, his boisterous family, and his beloved dogs. Despite, a very busy ER and other high-acuity patients assigned to her, she made us feel like Dad was the only patient there.

Kayla has an amazing gift. She's done the schooling, passed the boards, and has experience, but nursing is a gift of the heart. She knows when to smile, laugh, share a story, or quietly listen. Kayla was at a distinct disadvantage when we arrived. Two out of three of us were nurses, skilled in observation, often with a critical eye and picking up on the subtle things. The only thing I picked up on was the pride and enjoyment Kayla has in her work and the tenderness she gave to complete strangers. I told her when we were leaving how much my dad would have loved her. I hope he could hear us that day so he would have met the strangers who put him as a priority.

Kayla and her team made a very difficult time bearable, treating not only my dad, but all of us with respect and dignity. I knew I would be nominating Kayla for this award. I have received it twice, once as part of a team and once individually from a patient. I know, appreciate, and respect what an honor it means. I cannot imagine anyone being more deserving than Kayla. From the bottom of our very heavy hearts, thank you for coming to work that day, being Dad's nurse, and giving us everything you had. We are blessed to have met you and are reminded that wonderful people exist. That is your superpower, Kayla. On those difficult shifts, please remember what a difference you make!