Fetlework Abebe
June 2023
Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder Center
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
United States
"Whenever her shift came, I got a smile on my face because I just knew her care would be exceptional."
Fetlework Abebe provided me with the most thorough, exceptional care. Years ago, I was a young Airborne (paratrooper) Ranger that commanded a small platoon in Vietnam. Our unit suffered some of the worst casualties. I was so fortunate to get out of there with minor surface scratches. I received excellent care when treated in three M.A.S.H. hospitals and three larger hospitals in the Philippines, Okinawa, and Japan, but the superb care I recently received from Fetle Abebe really stood out to me.
I was a patient in the Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder inpatient ward for a routine colonoscopy. Both my father and brother died of colon cancer, so I know it is in our family history. I was attended to by Fetle and treated so well. On one of the first days, she bypassed and delayed her lunch break to conscientiously make herself available for my care. Whenever her shift came, I got a smile on my face because I just knew her care would be so exceptional.
I was a patient in the Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder inpatient ward for a routine colonoscopy. Both my father and brother died of colon cancer, so I know it is in our family history. I was attended to by Fetle and treated so well. On one of the first days, she bypassed and delayed her lunch break to conscientiously make herself available for my care. Whenever her shift came, I got a smile on my face because I just knew her care would be so exceptional.