Kasie Witmer
June 2023
Labor & Delivery
WellSpan York Hospital
United States
Losing my baby girl was difficult, but having a nurse like Kasie to hold my hand and rub my hair was exactly what I needed at that moment.
Kasie is definitely an Extraordinary Nurse. I was admitted by helicopter from a birth center. During labor, my baby girl got stuck at her shoulders. Unfortunately, she died. The midwife at the birth center cut me and made a 3B laceration. She also put her hands inside me to pull my baby out. This was a very traumatic experience for me mentally and physically. I was in a weak and sad place, but Kasie was amazing. She was very diligent in her work, but also caring and gentle. During her shifts with me, she would change IV bags, do assessments, and still find time to comfort me, wiping my tears. Losing my baby girl was difficult, but having a nurse like Kasie to hold my hand and rub my hair was exactly what I needed at that moment. Kasie gave me genuine words of wisdom and not a one-size-fits-all script. Kasie would update me on the plan for the day and return to my room exactly as she stated. This showed me she is a woman of her word, and I could trust her. Kasie even came to visit me on her day off, to sit with me and talk. This is above and beyond the call of duty. On Kasie's last shift with me, she said, "I'll see you tomorrow." The next day, I had a new nurse that was not Kasie. I was informed Kasie was given the day off, but as Kasie is an honorable, dependable, and ethical person, she came to see me that day! Kasie said when she received the day off, she remembered we had one more visit. She kept her word of seeing me by coming in on her day off. My husband and I were honored, blessed, and amazed by her act of kindness! I lost my daughter, but through Kasie, received an angel. I have been in the hospital two more times since my first admission. I've had a rough path, but even now, my husband and I speak of Kasie's loving care she gave to me.
Note: This is Kasie's 2nd DAISY Award!
Note: This is Kasie's 2nd DAISY Award!