Michelle Kolodzek
April 2023
Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Milwaukee
United States




She stays calm under pressure, puts the patients first, and is a great resource to all staff, new and experienced.
Michelle is the nucleus of this unit! Our new HUC, who trained under her, calls her "sensei." I'm grateful for her every day! Michelle goes above and beyond every day. When she is not here, it's like the team's heart is missing. I could go on forever with everything this woman does for us! Michelle leads by example and has been a steady leadership presence in the OR unit. She stays calm under pressure, puts the patients first, and is a great resource to all staff, new and experienced. Michelle helps with all aspects of the OR unit process. Michelle is open to new ways of doing things and can be creative when it comes down to fitting a circle into a square peg. She advocates for her team and makes sure there is a plan before she heads out for the day. Thank you, Michelle, for all that you do! I am nominating Michelle because of her expertise in running the OR and basically being the 'captain' of the ship. Her knowledge, communication, positive attitude, and overall ability to keep us running smoothly are so impressive. The charge nurse position, as we all know, is not an easy one ever, but she is dedicated and determined to make it flow with as little hiccups as possible. She is fair, tries her best to accommodate surgeons and staff, is easy to talk to, and also a great listener. She is also willing to help out in any capacity needed. We would be lost without her!