Vivian E Donahue
October 2023
Vivian E
Blake 8, Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States




We are very fortunate to have a manager who cares so deeply about bringing out the best in each and every staff member. She has always supported those who want to further their education and makes it work for each staff member to go to school while continuing to work at the bedside on Blake 8.
I have never met a greater personal or professional "cheerleader" than Vivian. I was able to personally experience this for many years as Vivian guided and coached me through the clinical recognition program and helped me to obtain the Clinical Scholar recognition. I have seen her repeatedly do this with any staff member wanting to achieve their Advanced Clinician or Clinical Scholar recognition. 

We are very fortunate to have a manager who cares so deeply about bringing out the best in each and every staff member. She has always supported those who want to further their education and makes it work for each staff member to go to school while continuing to work at the bedside on Blake 8. 

Like so many units across the institution and across the US, the morale on Blake 8 after the pandemic was quite low. As if she wasn't busy enough, Vivian could see this in her staff so she took it upon herself to create the "Blake 8 re-imagined Committee." This is comprised of staff nurses all who have different years of experience on the unit, who have come together via Zoom meetings and retreats to create subcommittees focusing on different ways to make the unit into something we want and a place that makes us happy to come to every day. From looking at scheduling, holidays, lunch breaks, etc. Vivian has allowed us to improve our work quality of life. We are also currently working to review and update nurse staff orientations and unit-based practices to provide even better care to our patients. Vivian has been the glue in allowing all of this to happen. I am also responsible for doing the unit's schedule and vacation time, and Vivian has always been there, providing me with whatever I may need to do this successfully. 

Vivian is available to not only staff members via text, email, or phone 24/7, but she is also available to our patients and our families with the same level of commitment. Vivian is visible to all on the unit oftentimes even leaving her office door open to us. She regularly sends emails, conducts staff meetings, and holds huddles in the middle of the unit. This was especially appreciated during the pandemic when everything was changing daily, and we were all so anxious about the unknown and being on the front line. She helped to ease our minds with up-to-date knowledge and presence. 

Vivian has been one of the driving factors in the success of the institution's vision to create one big "heart center." Vivian worked with staff on Blake 8 and Ellison 9 as well as the intensivists and APPs to create this seamless transition of excellent care for these very sick patients. This transition allows for patients to be cared for both on Blake 8 and Ellison 9, which has ultimately led to fewer transfers between the two units and more continuity of care. Overall, positively impacting the quality of care and patient experience. 

Recently, Ellison 4 SICU has started to receive post-operative cardiac patients. Vivian has taken the lead in educating and supporting the Ellison 4 nurses to care for these patients. Over the years, Vivian has also created weekly Ethics rounds on Blake 8, which was not always welcomed in the surgical world and was often times even met with resistance. She persevered, and now this is something we all greatly benefit from. She was also instrumental in all our ECMO patients getting OCC/ethics and social work consults immediately upon admission to Blake 8.      

Since taking over as our nursing director ~12 years ago, I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work alongside such an amazing leader. Blake 8, MGH, and MGB are very fortunate to have Vivian. Her dedication to her staff, the patients, and their families, and the MGH/MGB institution is unparalleled. I can honestly say I greatly enjoy coming to work every day, seeing my work family, and providing such excellent care because of the environment that Vivian has created on the unit, and she should be recognized for all that she has done.