Neil B Kirk
November 2023
Neil B
3 South
Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center
United States




He would kneel at Dad's bedside so he could speak close to Dad's ear (he was hard of hearing) and use the most thoughtful words as he explained to Dad what he needed to do to make him comfortable or administer medications.
"Clinical expertise and extraordinary compassionate care" are described in The DAISY Award brochure as what should personify a nominee, and Neil Kirk meets these criteria and then some. My father was admitted to Neil's floor on a Monday evening, and he passed away one week later on a Monday afternoon. We had excellent care and support from everyone on 3 South, but when Neil joined our journey on Friday morning, our heartbreaking experience of losing Dad changed profoundly.

Neil was Dad's Day shift nurse for four days, and he took to Dad immediately, even though Dad was barely communicative by that time and wouldn't be too active in his care needs, at least not verbally. It didn't matter. Neil read the body language and understood Dad's needs from the get-go. He would kneel at Dad's bedside so he could speak close to Dad's ear (he was hard of hearing) and use the most thoughtful words as he explained to Dad what he needed to do to make him comfortable or administer medications. Dad's body hurt all over, and he grimaced at the slightest touch, but Neil talked him through the necessary moves, so I believe, Dad would feel hopeful and trusting in knowing Neil would be gentle but quick. It hurt us to see Dad hurting like that, but to see Neil move him with loving care was extremely comforting. I was there on one of those moves and witnessed Dad when he barely got out "thank you," not once, but twice, for Neil. Neil was moved to near tears by this, and my heart leaped.

Neil comforted my family, too. We looked to him for "answers," and he helped us understand what was happening and what to expect, even though exact "answers" really couldn't be known. The time he took to talk with us was remarkable. Looking back, it was only for minutes at a time, but it seemed like forever to us, and he never left us unsatisfied, even though 3 South was a busy floor during our stay.

I don't think it is a coincidence that Neil was working on Dad's last day. As I understand it, he picked up an extra shift and was scheduled to work until 1 p.m. because 3 South was full (I think). So, of course, he was extremely busy, as was the entire 3 South staff, but once again, my family felt like he was there just for us. He checked on Dad at regular intervals, asked (as always) if we needed anything, and ran up and down the halls taking care of other patients, I'm certain, with the same compassion and expertise all morning.

By noon, we knew the time was near, and Neil comforted us yet again with words about how much it meant to him (an "honor," he said) to care for my father and to let us know it was now time for our final goodbyes, and that he would be outside if we needed anything. He quietly backed out and gently closed the door, giving me a tender smile (with his eyes, since he was masked) that told me we would be ok. That moment touched my heart and gave me strength as I was experiencing the loss of a parent who meant the world to me.

After my father passed, Neil stayed, beyond his shift, to assist with post-mortem care, again giving us needed comfort and again, sharing that it was his honor to do so. I will never forget the week of losing my beloved father, and I will always remember this wonderful, sweet, funny (at the right time), unobtrusive yet always there, dedicated, knowledgeable, professional, and above all, compassionate nurse, Neil, who cared for Dad and our family so lovingly. He was simply incredible, and I am thankful for his presence in our lives at the hardest time we've ever endured. Neil Kirk is a treasure to the nursing profession. On behalf of my entire family, I am honored to nominate him for The DAISY Award.