Kevin McHaffey
October 2023
Outpatient Surgery/Specialty Clinic
OKC VA Health Care System
Oklahoma City
United States




While transporting and bathing the patient, Mr. McHaffey was kind and gracious to the patient, showing him compassion and speaking to him about his time in the service and home life so that he would not feel uncomfortable.
Nurse Manager Kevin McHaffey received a call from the 1 central specialty clinic. The clinic nurse reported she had a patient in the clinic with bed bugs who was very sick and needed to be admitted. Kevin went and examined the patient and worked with providers to discuss keeping the patient in the current exam room and not transporting him to the ER. He arranged for the hospitalist team to come evaluate the patient in the clinic room and write admission orders. By keeping the patient in the room, he ensured the contamination was limited to the one exam room as well as the health wing shower. He then worked with the NOD office to get the patient a room number. The patient was in a motorized wheelchair and had many belongings with him. Kevin worked with EMS, Management, and police to arrange to transport the patient to the health wing. He personally offered to shower the patient and bag all his belongings to be sent to EMS for cleaning. He also went to volunteer services to get clothing for the patient and toiletry items.

While transporting and bathing the patient, Mr. McHaffey was kind and gracious to the patient, showing him compassion and speaking to him about his time in the service and home life so that he would not feel uncomfortable. The veteran verbalized he had not showered in some time and was very thankful for the care he received. After getting the patient bathed and dressed, Kevin transported the patient to his hospital room. He then contacted NOD and advised on where the patient's belongings were and ensured EMS knew about the clothing and wheelchair.

This encounter took several hours, and during the entire time, Mr. McHaffey exhibited ICARE behaviors with the veteran. He went above and beyond for this veteran and ensured that at no time did he feel like he was an inconvenience.