Emily Huninghake
October 2023
Birth and Womens
Ascension Via Christi Manhattan
United States




I know she had other patients, but truly, she made me feel like I was her only patient and devoted the time to make sure she helped solidify the connection between my baby and me.
I recently delivered a happy, healthy baby girl and afterward was cared for by Emily. My husband and I are both first time parents with little experience in handling a newborn. Emily immediately made us feel at ease that first night after delivering. She first helped with getting myself situated post-C-section. She assessed pain and encouraged movement to help with the recovery and then helped me get all cleaned up. This was a humbling experience for me because I pride myself on being self-sufficient, but Emily helped to encourage me to let my wall down so she could take care of me herself. Next, she took the time to help me bond appropriately with my baby by breastfeeding. I know she had other patients, but truly, she made me feel like I was her only patient and devoted the time to make sure she helped solidify the connection between my baby and me. Emily gave me pointers and instructions that were user-friendly and helped me get over the hurdle of breastfeeding. All the while Emily was doing this, she was also attending to my and my baby's care by taking regular blood pressures, temperatures, etc. Emily exemplifies the Florence Nightingale Pledge for nurses, especially the part "I will do in all my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession". Emily definitely elevated the standard of her profession, and now I have high expectations for my next nurse because of her. I greatly appreciate all she did for our new little family, and I wholeheartedly recommend her for this award.