Lynn Kruse
May 2023
Specialty Clinic
Northern Inyo Healthcare District
United States




Lynn naturally bonded with my mother.  She is dedicated to ensuring she is taken care of and informed about her care through the unspoken language of kindness.
Lynn Kruse’s clinical skills and especially her compassionate care exemplified the kind of nurse that our patients, their families and our staff recognize as an outstanding role model. 

My mother is full of joy. She is full of positivity- to the point that it is a bit much. She smiles and pours her heart and kindness to everyone. So when we were told that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, my heart broke. The fear of losing her overwhelmed our hearts and household, and the uncertainty clouded us for weeks. 

When we walked in for her first appointment with the doctor, the fear persisted. We were unsure what to expect. Even though I was versed in the healthcare system, understanding how to navigate care and what steps to take next daunted me. We were walked back to the exam room where Lynn comes in- and though she wore a mask, I could feel her radiating smile. She looks at my mom and says, “Hi, I am Lynn, your nurse. It is so nice to meet you!” With a warm embrace, she lightly touches my mother’s shoulder. In that moment- before care was even discussed- I recognized compassion, kindness, and warmth in Lynn. She cared about this patient, my mother- not because it was her job, but because she cared. I knew in that moment that she spoke my mother’s language, and I knew that I would be nominating her for this award. 

My mother is a primary Spanish-speaking patient. She smiles and nods and keeps her words short because communicating with someone whom she doesn’t understand fully is hard.

We oftentimes, oversee the struggles of a non-English speaker and may not recognize that we stop interacting with them as a person. 

But not Lynn. With every visit, phone call, and interaction, her focus has been my mother. Lynn naturally bonded with my mother.  She is dedicated to ensuring she is taken care of and informed about her care through the unspoken language of kindness. Her words, charisma, and actions exemplify a nurse worthy of receiving recognition for her outstanding care. 

As we continue this care journey, I’ve seen Lynn pursue to take care of my mother and advocate for her health needs. 

In simple words. Thank you, Lynn. Thank you for your kindness and compassion towards my mother in one of the scariest times of her life. You’ve demonstrated dedication and admiration for your patients, the care you deliver, and how you make others feel.