Maria Aleman
August 2023
4 Truett ICU
Baylor University Medical Center
United States
She always was upbeat, had a huge smile on her face, was welcoming, and exhibited what we pray a nurse will be- in all the ways that matter. She was empathetic, compassionate, and happy, all of the time. Maria was patient and understanding with L and K during setbacks and the biggest cheerleader during the wins!
My aunt was transferred to BUMC in the early morning hours after she suffered a significant heart attack, stroke, and cardiac arrest twice. She arrived on 4H, intubated and with her daughter K at her side, scared beyond words. She had amazing care during her time at BUMC, and there is one nurse who stood out among all, Maria Aleman. The first few weeks she was on 4H were uncertain, unstable, scary, filled with a large medical team and more conversations than could be kept up with. Maria was the nucleus when caring for my aunt. Maria was the kind of nurse we all want to have and work alongside. She always was upbeat, had a huge smile on her face, was welcoming, and exhibited what we pray a nurse will be- in all the ways that matter. She was empathetic, compassionate, and happy, all of the time. Maria was patient and understanding with L and K during setbacks and the biggest cheerleader during the wins! She provided a safe space for our family to ask questions, seek clarity, voice fears and helped my cousin to understand things when things became overwhelming. She took time to sit down and talk so everyone understood what was happening and what to expect. It felt as if she had no other priority in the world, outside of L. Her dedication to L and K was unmatched and I could list countless examples. L’s hair had become matted from her positioning. One day during physical therapy L was sitting up, and Maria and K worked to comb her hair, and she realized it would need to be cut. Maria cut and braided her hair, even using some of her own hair bands. She did these things because it made L and K feel better, she did it with care and you could feel that she wanted to help. K rarely left L’s side, except on some nights to sleep. Maria knew K was scared and did not want to leave during those times. Maria would stand in the doorway, smiling and exchanging the kindest waves goodbye as K stood at the elevator. K said these are interactions she will never forget, a simple wave and human connection. This provided comfort and security to both K and L. When in ICU, family often only have time to sit, pray, and look around. K felt security is things as simple as a complete white board- Maria took time to fill it out so K would understand who the medical team was for that day, the plan, and sometimes would even draw on it. Due to the complexity of L’s medical care and injuries, there were many balls being juggled throughout the medical team. This can get very confusing from a family point of view. K could see physical and mental progress her mom was making, but at times, L would not do those things in front of physicians. Maria would make it a point to come to the room any time a provider walked in and made sure they saw and knew what she and K had been watching. Patient advocate does not touch the surface, Maria is one of the strongest advocates I have met. She worked behind the scenes to advocate for L and K, things she likely thinks no one noticed. I am sure it was not always easy, but she did it. There were times when the medical team was making tough decisions, and Maria was front and center to include K and L in the process and ask for what was needed or wanted. She took time to talk to L, hold her hand, make her and our entire family, feel as if she was one of us.
Maria exudes the extraordinary compassion, integrity, and courage that the DAISY Award stands for. I have been a nurse for twenty years and have met few nurses who have the ability to make the deep impact that Maria made.
K said during the darkest days of this journey, Maria was the light that helped her get through. L left BUMC yesterday to start her next adventure at inpatient rehabilitation and can’t wait to keep Maria updated!
Maria has the knowledge and experience to provide exceptional care, but how she made our family feel is what will last a lifetime. I am guessing these are everyday interactions Maria has with her patients, but to us, these are interactions that helped L and our family get through times of uncertainty and will never be forgotten. Maria is the difference, and BUMC is blessed to have her on 4Hob!
Maria exudes the extraordinary compassion, integrity, and courage that the DAISY Award stands for. I have been a nurse for twenty years and have met few nurses who have the ability to make the deep impact that Maria made.
K said during the darkest days of this journey, Maria was the light that helped her get through. L left BUMC yesterday to start her next adventure at inpatient rehabilitation and can’t wait to keep Maria updated!
Maria has the knowledge and experience to provide exceptional care, but how she made our family feel is what will last a lifetime. I am guessing these are everyday interactions Maria has with her patients, but to us, these are interactions that helped L and our family get through times of uncertainty and will never be forgotten. Maria is the difference, and BUMC is blessed to have her on 4Hob!