Teanna Wright
September 2023
L & D
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
United States
After everything was over, she knew I couldn't see my babies in the NICU because I was on magnesium. So, after she got off work, she stayed and took pictures of my babies so I could see them.
Expecting triplets is scary. Expecting them at 30 weeks was even scarier. But what was scariest was the fear of the unknown. I got admitted on Friday for preclampsia issues. On Saturday night, I met Teanna. My anxiety was at peak capacity at this point. I didn't know if I was going to go home or have my babies super early. I also didn't know if I ended up having them, if they would be ok. Stress I think got my contractions started, they were strong and only a few minutes apart throughout the entire night. I know I wasn't the most pleasant person to be around. But Teanna exuded compassion and really showed what it means to be a nurse. She sat down with me, while adjusting my monitors repeatedly. She helped me with my pain, she laughed with me, she cried with me, and listened to my concerns, she made me take my mind off how scared I was and helped me see through to how wonderful life as a mom of triplets would be. She even helped me decide on the names. All the nurses I met during my stay were simply amazing. But Teanna really stood out. She went above and beyond, and even put herself on call in case I had to have a c-section. As it turns out, preeclampsia got the best of me. And on Monday afternoon, right before I went to the OR, there was Teanna's smiling face. She told me she was taking over my care, and she would be going back to the OR with me, so I had a familiar face throughout the whole experience. I went from crying out of sadness and fear to crying tears of happiness. After everything was over, she knew I couldn't see my babies in the NICU because I was on magnesium. So, after she got off work, she stayed and took pictures of my babies so I could see them. She has even checked in with me several times on postpartum to make sure I am ok. I simply cannot thank her enough. This recognition doesn't seem enough. I will always be thankful for her.