Morgan B. Johnson
February 2024
Morgan B.
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System
Little Rock
United States




Quick thinking and the desire to serve our veterans, resulted in a great outcome that could have potentially been fatal.
Morgan Johnson always exemplifies great assessment skills and quick thinking to provide excellent care to our patients. On this day, she jumped right in to provide great care for a patient that could have been potentially fatal. This patient was brought up to the floor from the ED. During report, the nurse stated that the patient was very agitated and that they had to give him Ativan. Morgan was never notified that the patient was a diabetic. Morgan went in to assess the patient as soon as he arrived to the floor. He was very anxious, jittery, and confused. After trying to reorient the patient, Morgan decided to check the patient’s blood sugar. This was critical. His first blood sugar read 0; the second resulted at 22. Morgan had the charge nurse call the doctor to the bedside, and she administered the patient an amp of D50. Within 15 minutes, the patient calmed down and was able to be reoriented. However, after the doctor came to bedside to assess the patient, his BP was also extremely low. Rapid Response was notified, and the patient was immediately transported to the ICU. Quick thinking and the desire to serve our veterans, resulted in a great outcome that could have potentially been fatal. Morgan always provides excellent care and is a great nurse to have here at the VA.