Kimberly Wolfe
May 2023
Baxter Health
Mountain Home
United States
She tells us that every time we leave our unit, because of the color of our scrubs, people know who we are. She is proud of us. She loves this hospital and this area.
Kimberly makes Endo a place you want to work. She bakes for us and brings it every Monday because she knows Mondays we need a treat. She knows our family's names and asks how they are doing. When she asks us about our lives, you know she cares. She takes care of us so we can take care of our patients. She also takes care of the patients to help us. She is the first person to throw away the garbage or clean a dirty commode. She told me when I was hired that she would never ask me to do anything that she was not willing to do herself, and she meant it. She buys things like chapstick for patients out of her own money, along with other things. If a patient says, "I need a Coke when I wake up." She will make sure they have a Coke when they wake up. I heard a patient say to her one morning that she was scared. Kim's response to the patient was really good. She said, "Who is the expert, me or you?" The patient said you are the expert. Kim said I am, and I am not scared. So, let's worry about bigger things. The patient smiled. That's the kind of thing she does every day. She doesn't like making decisions without our input. She will say, take it to shared governance, or what is best practice. Sometimes we need to compromise, but she is always willing to meet us halfway. She has such a good sense of humor, and she will tell us we are fired but reminds us not to be late tomorrow morning. She never takes credit for our ideas. She talks us up to everyone. She does not want to be in the pictures, she makes sure we are in the front. If someone brings us lunch, she won't touch it until she knows that all of us have eaten first. She does not make stuff up. If she doesn't know she tells us that she will need to ask, then she follows up with us. She is a rule follower, and she expects that we are, too. She tells us that every time we leave our unit, because of the color of our scrubs, people know who we are. She is proud of us. She loves this hospital and this area. She never takes vacations and she works way more than 40 hours a week. When we ask her why, she says she loves us so much she can't leave. The truth is...she really does!