Kirsten Kirker
January 2024
Short Stay Center
Tampa General Hospital
United States




I met a real-life angel, my guardian angel, nurse Kirsten
I would like to nominate Nurse Kirsten Kirker for The DAISY Award. I was admitted for kidney stones and had stents placed. Something went wrong after discharge, so I returned to TGH. This is where I met a real-life angel, my guardian angel, nurse Kirsten. From the moment I met her, I knew she was something special.

She was the most attentive person that I have ever encountered in a hospital, and with my long history of kidney stones, I have met quite a few people. Others were excellent, and I have even nominated some in the past for this Award, but Nurse Kirsten is authentic. She took the time to hold my hand when I was in pain and offered me comfort. She was there in my worst moments. Calm, gentle, caring, and compassionate. I know that Kirsten deeply cares about her patients.

She is so special. Yes, she treated me like a person. I currently wear an ankle monitor for past mistakes I made over a decade ago, and every person I've come in contact with, out in public and at the hospital, has treated me as if I'm a bad person and don't belong in society, but she did not. Anyone who looked at me as another human and not just a criminal or bad person is pretty special to me. There was never any judgment in her eyes. The world definitely needs more people like that.

There is no higher calling in life than one in service to others, and she checks the boxes all around. I was able to find peace with her and to get through the worst pain and problems that I have ever experienced. She deserves this Award and so much more. I genuinely believe that if this world had a few more people like Kirsten, it would be a better place. Please give her thisAward. She is a valuable contributor to this hospital and the betterment of humanity. Thank you for your consideration.