Sarah McMullen
March 2024
Ambulatory Surgery Center
Aurora Health Care - East Mequon Surgery Center, LLC
United States




Sarah She seriously did such an amazing job. I mean, she seriously had to use heat, ultrasound, and veins in hard places to make this happen!
My surgery was one I've had a couple of times before, so I wasn't very nervous, but I do suffer from severe anxiety with panic attacks, so I still ended up getting anxious. When I'm anxious, I use humor as a coping mechanism, so I was, of course, cracking little jokes/making comments to make me (and everyone else around me) laugh.  I prewarned Sarah of this and the fact that I'm a hard poke when it comes to needles. I suffer from some underlying conditions and am a recovering IV heroin addict so it's VERYYYY hard to start a good IV in me and then to not blow the vein if you do manage to get it in AND I'm usually poked several times before a usable vein is found and an IV is working ESPECIALLY after having to fast for 10 hours prior! 

Sarah took this all with stride. She took out all the stops to try to get a successful IV as quickly and easily as possible without torturing me in the process. (Knowing I screwed up my veins so much myself during my active addiction, I always tell them not to worry and to do what they need to because I did this to myself and hate to torture them!) There was only 1 failed attempt & it was due to the vein blowing, not Sarah. Sarah seriously did such an amazing job. I mean, she seriously had to use heat, ultrasound, and veins in hard places to make this happen!   She never got frustrated, never made me feel bad, and she even numbed my arms due to the positioning and tender areas she was forced to utilize for my IVs! I literally felt nothing. 

Then I did start to get pretty anxious just before going to the OR and she helped to keep me calm. From there, I had a different care team until I was back in my room for recovery. Once I was back in the room and had Sarah again, she made sure I was so comfortable. They bring everyone with my procedure a juice or drink, but I requested some crushed ice also, and Sarah went out of her way to go find me some, which seems like such a small thing probably, but when you're in a vulnerable state, like waking up from surgery, it's not. Sarah was AMAZING!