Melinda A Leatherman
April 2024
Melinda A
Parkview Randallia PVH
Fort Wayne
United States




Later in the evening, she said, "I know you didn't want the epidural, but you still did amazing handling the contractions before you got it, and you did great! You would've done great either way!"
I am a mom of four children, all of which were born at a different hospital. I decided to deliver my 4th baby, R, at Randallia. I am a NICU nurse, so delivering a baby where there is not a NICU in the building made me a little nervous, but I went ahead and scheduled my induction anyway. When I arrived at 6 AM, I experienced nothing short of smiles and kindness from staff. Mindy was my 2nd nurse who took over to continue my care around 11 AM. I was sort of bummed initially having two nurses already by 11 AM, and assuming I may have a 3rd nurse by the time I deliver. Mindy introduced herself, stated that she would be with me until 11 PM, acknowledged my birth goals, and gave me the confidence that she was there to support me however I needed. Immediately I felt better! I observed her check the set up of the room, the warmer, and make sure all the things were ready whenever R decided to make her appearance. I was unsure as to whether I wanted an epidural for pain relief or not. Mindy acknowledged this, and was extremely attentive throughout my labor. I never once felt like I was a burden to her (if you have ever been a part of a delivery, the monitors are tedious), as the monitor needed frequent repositioning. I didn't feel swayed to get an epidural for pain relief by Mindy, either. Finally, I maxed out on Pitocin, and my contractions were intense, but I was not dilated enough for delivery. I finally decided an epidural was the next best thing for pain relief and hopefully would relax my cervix enough to dilate. As I began to move closer to delivery, she stayed in close communication with my doctor. It was finally time! During the delivery of my baby, Mindy was very calm. There was no chaos in the room at all. R had a minor heart rate drop near the end of delivery, and Mindy subtly mentioned it to my OB, who decided I push without a contraction just to move things along to deliver her safely. I was able to do skin-to-skin with R right away, and I never felt an urgency from staff members to get her weight or measurements. It was obvious that their tasks were not more important than my bonding with my baby. In the moment, I didn't know Mindy informed my OB of her heart rate drop. That would've caused anxiety to stir within me. Even though my goal was to potentially deliver without an epidural, I ended up getting one. However, I didn't feel pushed to get one. She actually didn't even mention it because she already knew my goals. Later in the evening, she said, "I know you didn't want the epidural, but you still did amazing handling the contractions before you got it, and you did great! You would've done great either way!" I appreciate Mindy's confidence as a nurse, her ability to read me as a patient and my needs, and her ability to bring a sense of peace and calmness during a stressful moment. R's birth is by far my favorite birthing experience among my children, and I am so grateful to have had Mindy be a part of it!