Jaimee Alair
April 2024
Pedi EC
UMC Health System
United States
She did so with leadership, respect, and kindness. She was encouraging and helpful in a way we all needed. Her presence alone makes us feel supported, but she continues to give so much more than that.
Jaimee Alair is a shining example of what an amazing nurse and administrative leader is and should be. Just when I think she couldn't possibly do more she does. She shows us time and time again how much she cares about our patients and about us, with the knowledge she provides and the hand she extends when she sees the need. During an especially busy and chaotic day, she saw our board and knew we were running short. She came out of her office and immediately asked, "What can I do?" She took patients, helped triage, transported, taught my intern in moments I couldn't, assisted with line starts, and assisted in any way she could to keep us afloat. She did so with leadership, respect, and kindness. She was encouraging and helpful in a way we all needed. Her presence alone makes us feel supported, but she continues to give so much more than that. I found out later that Jaimee also came in and staffed a full shift the very next day. We were short again and even though she put out extra shifts, no one picked up. She could have just let us be short, but she stepped up instead. Even as I write this, I fear I fail to adequately express the gratitude I feel to have her on our side. Jaimee not only educates, but she also leads us. She leads us by example. She lives "service is our passion" simply by being her. She makes me want to be a better nurse. I want to make her proud because she makes me proud. Proud to work alongside her and proud to be part of this team she unconditionally supports. We are all lucky to know her and beyond lucky to have her on our leadership team. Thank you, Jaimee. I can't say it enough. Thank you for these two days and the countless other times you've given your support and time. You are amazing, and we are so lucky to have you on our side.