Amaal A Al Farhan
March 2024
Amaal A
Al Farhan
Al Hasa Outpatient - Orthopedic Clinic
Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH)
Eastern Region
Saudi Arabia




Thank God, my father returned home feeling reassured and comfortable. This is thanks to God and Nurse Amaal, who made it easier for me to get quick access to her and answer my questions and any problem that arose in the case of my father.
I would like to express the compassionate care provided by Nurse Amaal Al-Farhan for her support and keenness to provide gentle care for me and my family during my father’s operation, which was the first surgery for my father's knee. My family and I were very sad about my father’s surgery. The nurse told me about the instructions that we must follow after the operation and the expectations and complications that might be occurred after the operation. I asked Nurse Amaal to contact me after the operation immediately, and she called me back and told me my father was stable. After being discharged from the hospital, my father couldn’t sleep because of the pain, in addition to severe redness and swelling of his foot. I immediately called Nurse Amaal Al Farhan, and she told me that my father should go to the emergency immediately. In fact, my father went to the emergency, and they did the necessary tests and examinations needed to identify the general health for him. Thank God, my father returned home feeling reassured and comfortable. This is thanks to God and Nurse Amaal, who made it easier for me to get quick access to her and answer my questions and any problem that arose in the case of my father. In addition, she was interested in following up on my father’s appointments and physical therapy.

Thanks to God, the doctor, and nurse Amaal Al-Farhan, my father has become healthy and well-being. Nurse Amaal always provided my father with the right resources he needed. My father and family praise the nurse for the efforts she made. I express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Nurse Amaal Al Farhan for the exceptional care my father received. Thank you, Johns Hopkins, for having a special nurse like Amaal Al Farhan.