Jennifer Elliott
May 2024
Critical Care
WakeMed Health & Hospitals
United States




As a bedside nurse, it is amazing to have a director who is so present and always willing to advocate for patients and nurses.
Jennifer Elliott is one of the best directors I have ever seen. She stays engaged with nurses at the bedside and is always advocating for best practices and ways to improve patient outcomes while also remembering what it is like as a nurse at the bedside. During COVID, she went above and beyond to ensure our overflow ICU was set up as best as possible to support patient care and nursing. She even insisted that windows be cut in the doors because she knew how important it was for care and safety that ICU nurses could see their patients at all times. She was often on the unit physically doing anything she could to help.

Currently, this year, she has helped all the units navigate the ICU realignment. She physically helped reorganize units and helped move patients. She had numerous meetings to ensure nurses were well aware of what was going on. She really wanted to hear our concerns so that she could do everything possible to fix them. ICU realignment is a huge task and one where it can be difficult to accommodate everyone; however, Jennifer went above and beyond to try them best to accommodate any request to ensure patients and nurses were supported during a time of great change. She can often be found rounding on units, talking with nurses about ways she can help improve things, or asking if there are any issues or barriers to patient care that she can help address. She does not hesitate to answer a call bell and address patients' needs when she is on the floor. She has even assisted me with a patient reposition while rounding on the floor. She is always looking for ways she can be present and help. As a bedside nurse, it is amazing to have a director who is so present and always willing to advocate for patients and nurses. There has never been a moment where I did not feel supported by management since Jennifer became our director.