Sarah B Jackson
May 2024
Sarah B
Specialty Clinics
US Department of Veterans Affairs: Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
United States




Sarah set a new standard for excellence and compassionate care, not only for the nursing profession but for all professions.
After a week in the Nashville VA hospital, my husband was transferred to a rehabilitation facility. I noticed that he was not getting the dosages of medications indicated on the transfer instructions. Of great concern were his seizure medications. Despite my discussion with the Medical Facility Director and the documents I provided to support my request, he did not order an immediate return to his VA doctor’s pre-transfer dosages.

I contacted Sarah immediately, desperate for her guidance and input from his neurologist. With just the sound of her voice, my anxiety was allayed. My concern became her concern. Sarah offered me sound options and then contacted the facility. Our efforts did not get us the desired result, so Sarah contacted Dr. M and arranged for him to speak with the Medical Director of the accepting facility. This was not an easy task because his neurologist was on leave, and the Medical Director had patients in multiple facilities.

Nonetheless, Sarah "made it happen" as she intended and stated in the many text messages she sent me. It was comforting to receive situation updates as they occurred. More importantly, it was comforting to know that Sarah was on my side and gladly willing to put in the time and effort needed to achieve my objective. Sarah set a new standard for excellence and compassionate care, not only for the nursing profession but for all professions. She earned the DAISY Award. Sarah is an extraordinary nurse. We veterans and the medical community are fortunate to have her.