Minor Care Team
May 2024
Minor Care Team
TriState Health
United States
Alyssa Watson, RMA
Andi Fuller, RN
Jaci Gillie, LPN
Katie Pickens, RN
Amber McKinney, PA




I am beyond grateful for her as I truly feel like that if it was anyone else taking care of my son it would not have gone as smoothly as it did. To take such time and care with someone so small and to explain the "what" and "how" really made the difference.
My son, who is 3 years old, and I went to Minor Care and had the best experience. I took him in almost as their lunch was about to start (which I did not even know at the time). The receptionist (Alyssa) was so patient with myself and my son. He was in pain and kept crying. I remember being extremely overwhelmed because my son had two large pus filled growths on him, and I was worried about an ear infection. When we got into the room with the nurse, whose name I unfortunately do not remember, she was so patient with my son who was screaming bloody murder as he didn't want anyone, myself included, to touch either of the growths, as they were extremely red, warm and painful. The provider that came in next was Amber McKinney, she was so kind and patient. She talked to my son and explained what she was going to do and why. She explained to me that he had an ear infection as well as two abscesses. She took her time explaining how an abscess happens and what to expect and what to do at home. She put him on antibiotics and assured me to call if I needed anything or it got worse. Two days later my son was in extreme amount of pain, would not put any weight on his leg with the abscess, which at this time had at least quadrupled in size. I called over to Minor Care and got Jaci who was so nice, let me explain everything and said that they really should get eyes on the abscess. After work, my son and I got to Minor Care and were met with top-notch care. Not only was he in a lot of pain due to the amount pressure but he was also scared. When we arrived, they had a teddy bear for him and kept checking in on us while we were waiting. When we were taken back to the exam room, Andi had suckers waiting for him. Jaci got down to my son's eye level and talked to him about his day and what he likes to do in order to try and calm him down. Amber McKinney and Jaci probably spent a minimum of 15 minutes just talking to my son about what he likes to do. Amber even remembered from the previous day that my son has his own golf clubs and loves golfing. Through Amber’s genuine kindness and extreme amount of patience, she was able to look at the abscess and able to determine they needed to open it up. She talked me through what they were going to do and how it would help, and what I would need to do while they were draining it. This was a very scary situation for both myself and more so my son, however Amber and Jaci made it as comfortable as they could. Throughout the draining of the abscess they both were so gently and efficient. Amber and Jaci could both be heard saying he was so tough and they were so proud of him. Katie, another nurse, was also in the room for the draining process and right after went and got my son a popsicle. Amber explained that she would send it off to get cultured but she believed it was MERSA and what to expect and how to help him at home. She added another antibiotic and made sure to tell my son that it would help him feel better and was sorry it hurt. While waiting at Walmart for his medicine, Jaci called to see how he was doing and to update me on his medications. The next day he was feeling a million times better, and for that I am grateful. About midday, I received a call from Amber herself wanting to see how the tough little guy was doing and make sure we didn't need anything else. I guess what I am trying to say here is that Amber McKinney went above and beyond her duties to make my son feel safe and listened to him. Tri-State is lucky to have her working in Minor Care. I am beyond grateful for her as I truly feel like that if it was anyone else taking care of my son it would not have gone as smoothly as it did. To take such time and care with someone so small and to explain the "what" and "how" really made the difference. To remember the little details like he loves to golf and that he can hit the golf ball super far is a sentiment to the amazing provider she is. Jaci was also so patient with him and getting down on the floor to be at his eye level was absolutely the sweetest thing. She even made him a little balloon out of the glove and talk to him about things he likes to do. As a mom of a 3-year-old who was scared and in pain, I am beyond grateful to Amber and Jaci for their care of my child and cannot sing there praises enough. Thank you very much!!!