Samantha Mankin
May 2024
4E - Cardiac
The Miriam Hospital
United States




Sam had a calming effect on my grandmother and visited her several times a day when she was in the hospital.
On behalf of myself and my entire family, we would like to nominate Samantha Mankin, NP, for the DAISY Award for the amazing, compassionate care that she provided to my beautiful 97-year-old grandmother on both of her recent stays on 4 East at The Miriam.

Sam’s ability to provide her patients with excellence in clinical care was evident from our very first interaction, but what impressed me most about her was her ability to shower her patients with warmth and compassion. I was so taken aback and in awe by her generous spirit and kindness that I asked a fellow nurse if she was like this with everyone. Her response was, “Yes, she is!” and she proceeded to tell me that when she first started at TMH as a nurse, Sam was a wonderful mentor to her and that she has learned so much from her throughout her career! I am not surprised, having witnessed her in action for the past month with my grandmother…she is one-of-a-kind!

Below are a few examples of the kindness, caring, and compassion Sam shared with my grandmother:

1. Whenever Sam addressed my grandmother, she bent down to her level and always talked to her, not at her, and always in a kind, sweet manner. She asked many questions about her and her family and got to know my grandmother on a personal level. When providing her with medical updates, some not so great, she always kept my grandmother’s OCD illness front of mind when presenting the information to her to try and alleviate any further anxiety or worry for my grandmother. This is a talent!

2. Four days into my grandmother’s stay at TMH, Sam came in to let my grandmother know that she would be off for the next four days but that she would be keeping an eye on her from home. She also bought her a large bag of Ricola cough drops for her cough which was caused by the CHF. The cough drops were super helpful in slowing down the coughing fits my grandmother was having, which were causing havoc with her pulse-oxygen levels. The was so kind of Sam to think of my grandmother in this way.

3. Sam had a calming effect on my grandmother and visited her several times a day when she was in the hospital. She shared with her the special bond that she shared with her grandmother and how it was very similar to the bond that she and I shared. My grandmother and Sam developed a special bond in a very short time, and it was so wonderful to watch. I shared with Dr. G how wonderful Sam was with my grandmother, and he told me that Sam wanted to take my grandmother home.

4. When my grandmother left the hospital the first time, Sam asked if it was okay if she came to the nursing home to visit her once she got settled after rehab. Of course, my grandmother was thrilled and was looking forward to her future visits.

5. This past stay at TMH was very quick, and she was not being followed by Cardiology; however, Sam was by her bedside throughout her stay, providing her with support, comfort, and compassion as we all made the decision to transition my grandmother to Hospice. Sam shared a very intimate, heartbreaking story about a recent personal loss she had experienced in her life with my grandmother, which ended up being so impactful in my grandmother’s journey to finding peace in her final hours. I’m sure this was incredibly difficult for Sam to discuss and share, but she knew this would be helpful in my grandmother’s transition to Hospice, and it just shows what an incredibly selfless caregiver Sam is and how putting her patients first is her top priority.

Sadly, my sweet, beautiful grandmother passed away peacefully and with dignity and comfort, surrounded by her family this past Saturday at Hope Health Hospice, and I will forever be grateful to Sam for the warmth, kindness, and compassion she showed my grandmother in her final days!

Samantha, you are being recognized for the care, compassion, and expertise that you share with patients, colleagues, and peers.

Thank you for your commitment to professional nursing, and congratulations on this recognition!