May 2024
Indiana University School of Nursing
United States




Dayton single-handedly restored my passion in nursing.
Serves as a role model and mentor for professional nursing:
Dayton has become a shoulder I can lean on, because I know I can always ask him for help or for clarification. He is incredibly knowledgeable about the roles his scope entails and is a strong role model because he embodies the core values of the nursing profession! He is confident in his practice, committed to his clients, a team player always willing to collaborate, and takes accountability for his actions. All of these traits inspire me to become a strong nurse like Dayton!

Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching, learning, and nursing that inspires and motivates students:
Dayton is an AMAZING teacher. He is such a wealth of knowledge; he always has the answer to my most obscure questions. He also really cares about ensuring his students are maximally learning by catering his teaching to my, the student’s, learning style. As a result, my learning is enhanced and I am learning to the fullest capacity. Seeing him so confident and knowledgeable about his work drives me to get to that level, so I can give my patients the best care.

Demonstrates interest in and respect for learners:
Dayton creates a safe learning environment, where I don't fear asking questions or answering incorrectly. As an introverted person, he made me feel comfortable asking as many questions as I want. He is nonjudgmental when answering my questions, which creates that safe learning environment that encourages me to indulge my curiosity. He really is a wealth of knowledge this is perfect for someone like me who cares about all the little details. He also connects me with a bunch of resources to enhance my learning.

Uses personal attributes (e.g., caring, confidence, patience, integrity and flexibility) that facilitate professional growth:
Dayton is extremely personable. As an introvert, his friendliness allowed me to feel comfortable expressing myself and thus boosting my confidence in practice, because I know I have a friendly face backing my every decision. He is also THE MOST caring, advocative, perceptive nurse I have ever met. When we meet with clients and they mention issues regarding their social determinants of health, Dayton catches this information and selflessly goes out of his way to problem-solve for the patients, even if that means taking on the role of a social worker. Dayton’s patience is also unmatched. In my past clinicals, nurses typically wouldn’t let me practice many skills because they had so such work to do that we would get behind if I took the reins. No matter how slow I am or how much work we have, Dayton ALWAYS offers me the chance to practice my skills, which allows me to advance my professional development. Is fair and unbiased in his/her treatment of individual students: Dayton values my input and perspective as a student. He is always receptive to my suggestions and lets me add information during education sessions as needed, which nurtures my sense of autonomy as a beginning nurse. He doesn’t think less of me because I am a student and takes my input seriously, which I appreciate because it has helped foster my confidence in practice.

Excellent interpersonal skills:
Dayton ALWAYS goes above and beyond for EVERYONE: clients and coworkers--not just his students. When it comes to his clients especially, he is selfless. I see him moving his schedule around so he can accommodate clients. I see him going out of his way to ensure his clients are taken care of and advocated for to the fullest extent. Dayton will wear several different hats if it means better outcomes for his clients. Dayton is also a fantastic team player. Because he is so knowledgeable, many of his coworkers come to him for advice.

Develops collaborative working relationships with students and colleagues:
Dayton is never afraid to ask for help and collaborate with his coworkers and the interprofessional team to ensure his clients are able to access the resources they need and receive the highest level of care. In turn, because he is so knowledgeable he is always willing to lend a hand to his coworkers or answer their questions. The team, both his nursing coworkers and the interprofessional team, always feels comfortable asking for his help because he is kind, patient, and nonjudgmental.

Other: To be quite frank, Dayton single-handedly restored my passion in nursing. I became so burnt out from nursing school and negative clinical experiences that I was questioning whether I had made the right choice and if I was in the right place. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a nurse anymore, but then I met Dayton--and I’m not exaggerating when I say he changed my life. In prior clinicals, I had learned to stay out of the nurse’s way and had become a watchful “wall hugger.” That all changed when I met Dayton. He always asks me if I would like to “take the reins” and gives me plenty of autonomy, which allowed me to explore what skills I had mastered and what skills I needed more work on thus far under his nonjudgmental, friendly guidance. I also appreciate that Dayton catered his teaching to my learning style, which ensured I was learning to the fullest extent. He also created a safe learning environment where I feel comfortable asking any and all questions. Thanks to his perceptiveness, he has truly helped me come out of my shell and made me feel more like a nurse. I have grown both personally and professionally, and it is all thanks to Dayton. No amount of words can convey how grateful I am to have had him as my preceptor.