Lydia Herring
May 2024
UNC Health Johnston
United States




I am nominating Lydia for the award because of the actions, compassion and care that they delivered that cannot be noted, it can only be felt.
I am a nonclinical employee at UNC Health Johnston. In my job, I always see the clinical situations that result in a denial or payment audit. It has always seemed as though the clinician's names are simply that, just names. My experience changed when admitted as a patient at UNC Health Johnston. Lydia was a wonderful nurse. They were so attentive to my needs and feelings. I felt their compassion in their warmth and touch. After 2.5 days as a patient, I called them on the nurse call bell, and they came quickly. I shared my concerns with them. I just did not have peace about the care plan that had been spoken about.

As I spoke to them, I had tears in my eyes. I was so nervous, scared, and tired. They hugged me as her eyes, too, were glazed with tears. They assured me that this was my plan of care and that I had a say in it. They went back and shared my concerns and thoughts with the physician. After around five minutes, she came back into the room and could proceed with the care requested. I was excited and relieved. They became a face that I looked forward to seeing each day, and I trusted them. That day, they became so much more than a name in a chart. She became a living personification of a name in a chart. I now do what I do because of nurses like them. We deserve to be paid for the exceptional care that our Lydia’s do every day. Everything Lydia did for me cannot be put in a note. I am nominating Lydia for the award because of the actions, compassion and care that they delivered that cannot be noted, it can only be felt.