Hannah Cho
January 2024
Labor & Delivery
Northside Hospital Gwinnett
United States




She held my hand and was there for me. She touched my heart in a way nurses should do for their patients.
During my induction in October, this nurse was extremely helpful in helping my twin baby girls move down in my pelvis in preparation for delivery. She helped me turn every two hours with the peanut ball to make sure that my epidural didn't delay birth any longer than it could’ve been. When it was time to deliver, she calmly guided me during the pushing stage and helped me successfully deliver one of my babies. This was my first time delivering, so she made me feel as comfortable as I could have been despite labor pains. Unfortunately, my second baby experienced a prolapsed cord during my attempt to deliver her vaginally, so we had to immediately shift to the OR for a STAT C-section. My second baby experienced seizures and was intubated due to low APGAR scores and her inability to breathe well on her own. After hearing this news freshly woken up from anesthesia, this nurse never left my side. She stayed by my side during recovery, and she stayed by my side while seeing my baby in the NICU. I don’t even think she got her full 30-min break because of all the complications that arose from my delivery. But I felt her compassion and care for me as a new mom the minute she walked into my room to help me during labor. She held my hand and was there for me. She touched my heart in a way nurses should do for their patients. This type of care for a patient is something you don’t see in the world anymore. All of us are now home and healthy, and I cannot thank her enough for her genuine attitude and compassion. Thank you!