Alecia Mabry
May 2024
Pain Management and Rehabilitaion
Lt. Charles S .Kettles VA Medical Center
Ann Arbor
United States




Alecia is committed to her patients and often goes out of her way to assist patients with things outside with her clinic.
Alecia is consistent, reliable, always takes steps to help the team be more efficient and be compliant, such as ensuring providers are using proper hand hygiene. Alecia is committed to her work and identifies areas for improvement. Alecia advocates for patients often such as when taking vital signs and reviewing patient health history. Alecia identifies inconsistencies and will notify the physicians immediately with concerns. For example, one of the patients in the clinic presented with a severely elevated blood pressure and she observed a developing facial droop. Alecia called the physician to evaluate, and the patient was transferred to the emergency department. He was evaluated and worked up by neurology which found on the MRI some schematic changes and small vessels. This has led to changes in the patients plan of care potentially avoiding a life altering event. The team is very appreciative of her excellence and observation and triage skills with patients. Alecia is committed to her patients and often goes out of her way to assist patients with things outside with her clinic. Alecia is a nurse to be emulated!