Kellie L Kosko
June 2024
Kellie L
Mental Health
James E Van Zandt VA Medical Center
United States




Her commitment to excellence and respect for the veteran, as well as her advocacy and multidisciplinary collaboration with social work, the admission coordinator, and emergency services, led to a positive outcome as he was transferred safely and admitted.
I have been in clinic for a few short weeks as a new psychiatric NP where I have had the honor of working beside Kellie and in this short time, I have witnessed her incorporate the I-CARE values in all her interactions not only with patients but with staff as well. She always has a positive attitude and an open chair for anyone in need. The story I would like to share highlights her integrity, commitment, advocacy, and sheer excellence.

Last week, Kellie was alerted on note about a high-risk suicidal veteran who had been lost to care since at the VA until recently discharged from Pittsburgh VA behavioral health. He left prior to obtaining a bed available for detox due to a miscommunication and his past trauma made him feel as if this inpatient experience was “retraumatizing.” Kellie compassionately worked with this veteran over the telephone to build trust and rapport. She respected his thought process and began to understand how his experience impacted him and what his goals were for treatment. She then contacted the CTAD coordinator to better understand the process and bed availability, and it was determined a bed was available that week; however, another hurdle arose. The veteran had poor social support, limited finances, and no transportation; therefore, he could not find a way to make it the nearly three-hour drive. This is where her commitment and advocacy really shine through. She at first was informed he did not meet eligibility for benetravel and given his past experience with transfers she had to find another option. She collaborated with the pact social worker, and they worked together diligently to arrange temporary lodging in Altoona for one night and Vetride to get this veteran to the facility safely and on time. Sadly, the day after his transfer she was notified he eloped from the VA ER and did not get the bed. Kellie still did not give up hope and knew he had no way home from the city. She was able to reach the veteran who, although was “blunt and elevated at times” while seemingly intoxicated yet he took her call. He informed her that he slept behind a dumpster, used the rest of his money, and did not know where he would turn now. He explained how being in the small room with the door closed in the ER triggered him, and he could not take it, so he left. After some discussion, he was agreeable for her to call emergency services yet when the three-way call disconnected, she had to call him back. At this point, police showed up and informed the veteran initially they would take him to the nearest hospital, not VA, and he began to escalate. Kellie remained on the phone, providing a calm reassurance to him, and was able to talk the veteran down to de-escalate the situation. he placed her on speaker where she could further explain to police and emergency personnel the situation and what was needed, resulting in them agreeing to transfer to VA.

I had the pleasure of sitting beside her while she was on this call and witnessed her calm demeanor, therapeutic communication with the veteran and problem-solving skills as she collaborated with police and emergency services to get this veteran to the VA where he could be admitted for the help he needed and was asking for all along. Her commitment to excellence and respect for the veteran, as well as her advocacy and multidisciplinary collaboration with social work, the admission coordinator, and emergency services, led to a positive outcome as he was transferred safely and admitted. So many veterans suffering from mental health and substance use may feel forgotten and lose hope; however, Kellie is a catalyst of hope, changing the lives of her patients as well as empowering those who bear witness to follow suit.