Katlin Knox
June 2024
Neuroscience Critical Care Unit
Community Hospital Munster IN
United States




The way that Katlin paused and had her head down during the service was spiritual and emotional support like we have never received before.
Our 68-year-old mother was a patient at your facility for 7 days. She had initially entered the facility through the emergency room following the direction of her cardiologist due to blood flow to her legs. After a few days of being on the blood thinners at the facility, she unfortunately had spontaneous bleeding in the brain. She was in a coma and the prognosis was grim. Katlin was there through the most critical portions for our family to help explain what was happening medically to Mom. Above and beyond that, from the moment Katlin began her first shift she did everything to make Mom as comfortable as possible. More than that, she bathed Mom, put her hair back, cleaned and redressed wounds. At the time I did not realize how important it was for the emotional needs of the entire family. We had to make some very difficult decisions and her professional experience and technical knowledge were critical in navigating us through the most difficult decisions we had to make with our father on behalf of Mom. Katlin was there working on our mother as we called in Father Robert Ross to give last rights and pray for Mom. The way that Katlin paused and had her head down during the service was spiritual and emotional support like we have never received before. It was a great comfort to know that she was there to transition Mom to comfort care as it became clear that recovery was not in the cards for Mom. My mother transitioned to be with the Lord in total peace and comfort. The passion and attention to detail that Katlin showed for our family’s physical, spiritual, and emotional needs made a huge impact on our difficult journey. This type of passion came directly from her heart and stood out from any care our family has ever received. She stood out from all of the nursing staff and any other healthcare provider during this most difficult time. She is very special and will always hold a place in our hearts.