Samantha Whelen
March 2024
St. Elizabeth Healthcare
United States




As soon as Sammie met him, she was talking to him, acknowledging him, and making him feel safe and secure.
My brother is a patient here again & I've written some acknowledgement cards in the past for some of your staff doing & giving amazing care for myself & other family members as my brother is here again. What makes this story different is, for one, my brother has been mentally handicapped since birth, which makes his care a lot more challenging because he's also non-verbal, so he can't communicate what's wrong or where it hurts. That is until we met & had Sammie as my brother's nurse. When we met her & talked with her about my brother's background of his problems & illness, the words that came to mind were phenomenal, amazing, caring, compassionate, concerned, empathetic, & just wanting to get him well. Most people don't even give him the time of day, but as soon as Sammie met him, she was talking to him, acknowledging him, and making him feel safe and secure. I know my brother & his actions & reactions& he fully responded to her; the vibe he was getting from her was that this time he mattered. Him being my older brother, knowing him my whole life is a huge thing for a handicapped person; I can tell you he responded to her and felt safe with her. She went over everything with me, letting me know what I was doing right, as well as what I could be doing better. Every time she has any medicine or bags to hang, she tells us exactly what's in them, what they're used for & why. I heard her double-check if she thought something was questionable because she wants everyone to receive the ultimate care possible. She's always pleasant, welcoming & very funny. She's not just a nurse; to me she's also a therapist as well as a psychologist for me. She'll talk me off the ledge because she knows how worried I am about my brother. That's not a skill that all the nurses & doctors have. That has to be born in you and she has it. You'd do well to let her train all the staff. Sammie is St. E's best kept secret. In closing, I write these often, but this is the first time I've written one from my heart instead of just an acknowledgment. She's the ultimate!!