Sarah Kost
April 2024
New York Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital
New York
United States




As soon as I met Sarah, all of my fear began to melt, and I could not have been more grateful to her for her kindness, empathy, compassion, and grace.
I came in for an elective induction that my doctor recommended. I had a fair amount of anxiety about the whole birthing process and came into the hospital feeling very unsettled and unsure if the induction was right for me. Sarah Kost went above and beyond to ensure that I was comfortable and that I completely understood every procedure, medicine, and action that was going to happen. She also made sure that I knew I had options. I had a couple of scary moments of my own - with my blood pressure plummeting, my baby’s heartbeat slowing, my kidneys failing to produce urine, and more. Sarah was by my side every step of the way - explaining what was happening and the measures being taken and reassuring me over and over that my baby and I were okay. 

Sarah checked on me more frequently than any other nurse I have experienced, both during this stay and beyond. We saw her pretty much every 5-10 minutes. When I received the epidural, Sarah stayed by my side as my family had to leave the room. I was very nervous without my family, so she began to tell me stories or ask questions about my life to distract me and take my mind off of what was happening behind my back, all while taking the time to carefully explain every move the anesthesia team was making. It was clear to me that Sarah saw her role to pay attention to and care for the subtle things, such as my comfort pain level, my emotional well-being, and my mental health. 

My laboring was quite long, and it was Sarah’s idea and strategy of using the peanut ball to finally get my labor headed in the right direction. When it was time to push, I broke down in fearful tears. Sarah again rushed to my side, carefully explained everything that was going to happen exactly how it was going to happen, and answered my questions. Ultimately, my laboring ran into the early hours of the morning and through the 7 am shift change. Around 7 am, my doctor decided to perform a C-section. Knowing my discomfort and fears, Sarah had elected to stay past her shift time so she could be by my and my baby’s side. Again, she made sure to inform me of everything happening while my c-section was taking place, and she was right by my baby’s side as she was born. Sarah continued to stay on the floor, well past her overnight shift, until my family was settled safely in recovery.

 Before I walked into the hospital, I honestly believed I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the labor and delivery process. As soon as I met Sarah, all of my fear began to melt, and I could not have been more grateful to her for her kindness, empathy, compassion, and grace. She is a completely non-judgmental, committed, and hardworking individual who deserves recognition for the incredible care she provides to her patients. I would wholeheartedly recommend NYP’s Lower Manhattan Hospital, particularly because of her outstanding contributions to its labor and delivery department.