Jennifer King
June 2024
Intensive Care Unit
Cone Health Annie Penn Hospital
United States




It was due to her critical thinking, her insight, and quick action that Jennifer and the code team were able to get return of spontaneous circulation quickly after the initial code was called.
My brother experienced cardiac arrest and thankfully he survived and is now doing well thanks to the timely and effective action of Jennifer and the code team. Jennifer took care of him for a few days prior to the arrest, and she quickly recognized changes in him on the morning of the code. She said she could see changes in him from the start of her shift and she monitored him more closely as she was concerned about the changes she saw. She was insightful in bringing the crash cart into his room and having everything ready in case he continued to decompensate. It was due to her critical thinking, her insight, and quick action that Jennifer and the code team were able to get return of spontaneous circulation quickly after the initial code was called.

My brother was on the ventilator following the code and had to be transferred to Moses Cone for continuous dialysis. Jennifer continually talked to my brother to help him understand what was going on even when he was not awake and alert. It is evident that she has a genuine heart for nursing and caring for others. Several different providers and specialists came in to see my brother following the code, and Jennifer was in the room or came in when she saw different providers coming so that she could give an update to the provider and answer any questions they had. It was obvious that she had a good relationship and professional communication skills and was respected by the providers with whom she interacted. She also served as a great resource for the family and explained everything going on with him. She explained things in detail that the specialist had said so the family could get a better understanding of the situation. Jennifer was so kind, compassionate, thorough, knowledgeable, and supportive to all our family, especially my brother, during her entire shift until he was transferred to Moses Cone. She took extra time with our family, explained everything, and often had to repeat herself due to multiple family members asking questions. She was so patient and kind and never got frustrated with having to say the same things over and over.

The excellent care she provided was top decile, and we all felt a true connection with Jennifer. She is an Extraordinary Nurse who provided exemplary care, was a wealth of knowledge, and is a perfect example of Cone Health’s logo of “Being right there with you.” I feel in my heart that Jennifer is the reason my brother survived and recovered, and I can honestly say she had a positive impact on his health. Our family is forever grateful to Jennifer and the care she provided to my brother and our family.