Owen MacLeod
June 2024
Acute Medical Unit
Tasmanian Health Service




Owen focussed on my personality, engaging me in conversations that were funny and informative and lifted my spirits out of despair, depression, and alarm about my condition.
During my emergency admission to LGH Friday, I was unable to breathe due to whooping cough-type spasms. I was given oxygen by paramedics, which led to a saga of aggressive treatment, X-rays, many bloods, and hourly observations. I was in terror, pain, and not coping. Fever making every injection, every canula seeking blood, unbearably painful.

Owen’s soothing personality brought comfort and took away fear. His quick acting and professional skills gave me confidence that I could trust him absolutely to nurse me successfully through every stage of treatment. At all times, I felt watched over as a human being – not just a numbered patient.

The oppressive, suffocating feeling of the sealed grey room, no windows to look out nor open, Owen relieved my phobic, panicked state.

The embarrassment of coming to LGH still in my gardening clothes and shoes, no time to get presentable, Owen overlooked. I felt treated with the respect given to someone well dressed, freshly showered and attractive. I was acutely aware of my hair needing a wash, looking dreadful with no make-up on my tear-stained face. Yet Owen focussed on my personality, engaging me in conversations that were funny and informative and lifted my spirits out of despair, depression, and alarm about my condition.

I would dearly like him to have a copy of this tribute. My deepest thanks and appreciation for going beyond mere job tasks and professionalism.