Kylie Jones
June 2024
Infusion Center
Tanner Health System-West Georgia Infusion
United States




Kylie didn’t just let it go. She came back and said I think something is wrong, I am calling the doctor. As it ended up, something was wrong, and I was given the care I needed because of Kylie's skills and care.
The first day I walked into West Georgia Infusion, I had no idea what to expect. When they called my name, I looked up and saw Kylie Jones's beautiful smile, and I was immediately at ease. You see, I have known Kylie most of her life. I went to church with Kylie and her family for most of her life. I already knew she was a sweet, kind, and compassionate person. But I had no idea the type of nurse she was because I had never seen her at work. But I found out immediately when she carefully explained every step she was taking as she gave me my first chemo treatment. And she was just as efficient every single time I came in. One day, I was feeling weak, so I decided I would go in for an IV that day before taking my chemo the next day. All that was required Kylie that day was to hook up my IV and let it run for an hour, then unhook me and send me home. But Kylie was so observant that day, she kept asking me if I was okay and I kept saying yes because I thought the IV would lift me up. Kylie didn’t just let it go. She came back and said I think something is wrong, I am calling the doctor. As it ended up, something was wrong, and I was given the care I needed because of Kylie's skills and care. She went above and beyond just her job that day. Not only that day, but every single day I was there, she went above and beyond. And not just with me but as I listened when she was dealing with other patients, she was the same with everyone. Kylie deserves to be honored as a skillful, compassionate nurse.