Brock Magdich
June 2024
AHCC IU Health Methodist
United States




Brock came to be with all of us when M was passing. He caringly accompanied M’s body afterward. We will be forever grateful to him.
I have been wanting to write this note for a long time, expressing our deep appreciation and gratitude for the amazing care our daughter received while on your floor. Our daughter, M, passed away in September, after being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This came after receiving a mechanical mitral valve in January 2023. M was a heart warrior all her life. She continued to show strength and courage as she experienced significant health challenges in her last year and a half. Much of this time was spent at IU Health Methodist on your floor, receiving the best of the best care from her many caregivers. You supported M 24/7, whether it was learning how to feed herself again, moving her into a cardiac chair, or receiving special permission to take her outside on a sunny day after being in the hospital for months. You all cared for her medical needs, and so much more. You advocated for her, encouraged, and supported her.  

But you did not stop at M, you cared for all of us- M’s family and friends. You patiently explained complex medical procedures in terms we could understand, discussed the many medications, and stood by her bedside with us. You showed us humanity and compassion, and we are forever grateful to each one of you.  

You set the high standard of care, which we often spoke about when M was on other floors. The communication between all the team was clear and respectful. If we needed anything, we could go to anyone on your floor. To see multiple people come in to help, with smiles on their faces and upbeat attitudes, was so appreciated.  

I wish I could thank all of you personally to let you know the difference you made. I used to write updates on M to our close family and friends. I often wrote of my gratitude for the care she was receiving. When I commented on the teamwork on the floor, many of you would acknowledge your manager for instilling such an atmosphere for everyone.  

Brock became a special friend of M and our family. He was such a support when she was readmitted to IU Health last August and received the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s. Brock often came down to say hello when on break and see if we needed anything. He came to be with all of us when M was passing. He caringly accompanied M’s body afterward. We will be forever grateful to him.