Katelyn Kuhlmann
August 2024
Mercy Hospital Washington
United States




But the two things I remember were being terrified, and without skipping a beat, Katelyn was right there, talking to me and trying to keep me calm – all the while taking every step to ensure I got the care I needed.
I gave birth on a busy weekend, and the floor was short-staffed. Katelyn (Kuhlmann) made sure I was comfortable and well taken care of while I labored. My son was born at the end of her shift, and she said her goodbyes but would be back later in the weekend. My aftercare was going well, and I was walking around for roughly an hour before returning to my bed. Right before shift change, I had gotten up to use the bathroom. My family was there, and we realized something wasn’t right. My husband pulled the call light and in came the first set of nurses. They quickly realized I was losing a lot more blood than they’d anticipated. I was feeling faint and a lot of what happened after that is still fuzzy. But the two things I remember were being terrified, and without skipping a beat, Katelyn was right there, talking to me and trying to keep me calm – all the while taking every step to ensure I got the care I needed. The medication I was given to stop the bleeding didn’t initially work and I quickly realized how scared I really was. But Katelyn was right there, calm and collected. After 4-6 hours, I woke up from the medication, and she was still there. She never lost patience with my questions as I came to and made sure that the care team that took over for her shift knew the situation and what I needed to move forward. This third delivery didn’t go how I’d planned by any sense of the imagination. But I will always be thankful for Katelyn’s care and unbridled kindness in one of the scariest moments I’ve experienced as a mother and patient.