Christine "Chris" L Koralik
June 2024
Christine "Chris" L
Emergency Department
Northeast Georgia Medical Center
United States




When my husband was in so much pain, she was there every step of the way to help us. She held my hand as he suffered, and I cried.
Recently, my husband had a health scare that we never thought we would encounter. We went to the emergency room and were so thankful for our nurse, Chris. When my husband was in so much pain, she was there every step of the way to help us. She held my hand as he suffered, and I cried. We soon learned that he had to be transferred to a larger hospital, and she fought to get him that help as quickly as possible. Upon leaving, she advised me on the next steps to getting my husband the best care at the larger hospital. If she hadn’t, I don’t believe we would have received the care we needed. The next day, I received a voicemail from Chris, checking on my husband’s progress. I have never had a nurse show so much compassion or genuine care, even and for that I believe she deserves the DAISY Award.  


I want to nominate a nurse in the ER department. I went in with my sister as a doctor recommended, she went here. She was in so much pain, with what we thought was shingles. This nurse came up to her, took her back right away, and was the sweetest human I’ve ever come in contact with. She took her time with my sister. Didn’t make her feel like she was just there for a job. She put her IV in carefully. As someone who works in the medical field, it’s hard to please my sister and beat her at her own kindness. This lady went above and beyond. She was in our room every 15 minutes checking on her, bringing water or whatever was asked for, concerned about her blood pressure, and making sure she was okay. It’s one thing to do your job and do what you’re made to do, but it’s completely different when you’re opening a door at your own will to just make sure your patients are okay and don’t need anything. I listened and watched her with 2 other patients on the hall as well, she sat down with them and took the time to explain everything and make sure they knew what was going on and everyone was comfortable. Not one time did she complain. When the visit was over, she sat us down and went over everything in our paperwork like she was supposed to, made sure my sister knew what medicines she was sent with, & made sure she was okay before leaving. I can truly say she left an impact on us and made a difference. For that, I’m forever thankful. She’s great. 


I was in the hospital in excruciating pain. She noticed right away and got me back. She continued to check on me, bring me blankets, get the doctor, and just go out of her way to make sure I was okay. I could tell she genuinely cared. Hands down the best interaction I’ve ever had in a hospital with any team member at all. She deserves every reward possible, and I hope y’all recognize her. Chris, thank you so much for all your efforts, for calming me down, and for being you. Keep it up. You make a difference!!


Over the past 2 years, I have spent more time in the hospital than I have in my own home. I have broken my back, over a dozen Pulmonary Embolisms, Bleeding Ulcers, Surgeries, etc. I have been to the largest hospitals in the state. I have had many doctors and nurses - at least hundreds. None have been even comparable to Chris at NEGA in Demorest. Quick, knowledgeable, compassionate, overall A+. I have very ‘bad issues with my veins. Usually, needing to be stuck multiple times for an IV. Christ got it on the first try. I am amazed and impressed.